Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Oregon's State Capitol in Spring

It's definitely spring in the Williamette Valley of Oregon! The cherry trees on the state capitol mall in Salem are in full bloom. As we walked through the mall, the petals drifted down like snowflakes. The mall includes several fountains as well as the beautiful cherry trees. The trees are Akebono cherries planted in 1992.

The other feature near the Capitol that caught our attention is the Waldo Park Tree, a sequoia planted in 1872. The tree is now part of the smallest city park in the nation, 12 feet by 20 feet. It was planted by the son of an Oregon pioneer and now stands 85 feet tall, is 22 feet in circumference, and is 127 years old.

1 comment:

Dirk Monson said...

The pictures look absolutely gorgeous.