Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A German Village

As we were driving to meet a friend who is stationed near Weidon, we pulled off the road to give the little boys a break. As we looked around from the rest area, we noticed a walled town on a rise a short distance away in the center of a village. We couldn't even find the name of the town but were intrigued by its quaintness and charm. 

Many of these old walled cities have been turned into tourist attractions. This is a good example. One seldom finds falling down buildings even in these very old cities. This town was
established in 1532.

Streets are very narrow and most are two-way streets, including the street through the arch in the second picture! The building in the third picture is old, we know, but we were uncertain what the artwork symbolized.

The final picture is a view of the village that has developed around the old walled city. This part of Germany reminds us a great deal of western Minnesota.

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